Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A visit to Good Earth Food and Wine Co.- 16 August 2011

We picked a bad day, or a good day, depending on your point of view, to visit Good Earth Food and Wine. As we arrived a busload of food and wine writers arrived.

There were a good number of us plebeians about so it was actually a good test of the establishments offerings and service.

Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com

A video of part of our visit


 Nicolette Novak is the Owner and Fun Coordinator
Nicolette Novak - Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


a table of pampered critics
Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


Now down to the review: I found the soup to be a disappointment. Bland - enough said about that.  The main course was delicious. I found my glass of wine, while acceptable, mundane. The service was very good.

On a practical note - The outdoor chairs that we sat in were extremely uncomfortable and one septuagenarian complained about them vocally several times both at the time and since - my mother in law.

I assume that the reader understands and accepts that different people have different palates but we all like to be comfortable.

While I am speaking about food and wine, I want to bring up a pet peeve of mine. I want to talk about the quantities of wine served by the  individually ordered glass in most wineries.

Simply put, I find that most wineries are miserly in their portions and overpriced for those portions. I understand that there is a minimum quantity required by law but that is the minimum requirement. Wineries should loosen up and give a thank you to their patrons by being magnanimous in their servings. It isn't as though they weren't saving the 50% or so discount that they would have to sell to the LCBO and then doing a mark up as though it was purchased from the LCBO.

I predict that the first wineries / restaurants that step up to this practice will be around in a few years. Most of the other restaurant will close. Peak Oil and Peak Credit are real folks - show some appreciation to the people that spend time, money and effort to find your venues -  get with the program.

  Main course at lunch
Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


The Pantry operates on the honor system - a very nice touch
Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


The property is very appealing to the eye
Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


The well respected cooking school
Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


Good Earth Food and Wine - 16 August 2011 - NiagaraWatch.com


All in all this is a great place to visit and we will come again. We recommend it to all. The kitchen is very good overall and the grounds are very pleasant.

The Good Earth Food and Wine Co.
4556 Lincoln Ave., Beamsville, ON L0R 1B3 
Tel 905-563-6333

If you have comments on this or any other content or if you wish to suggest a review, please email us.